Sunday, October 6, 2013

Antioch University College of prophets’ course curriculum for certificate, diploma and degree courses.

Antioch University College of prophets’ course curriculum for certificate, diploma and degree courses.

1. The end-time church & the prophetic mandate.
2. How to discover, develop & grow your ministry.
3. How to hear & understand the voice of God.
4. Signs of prophetic calling
5. The making of a true prophet. How God trains and prepares His prophets
6. Prophetic warfare.
7. How to grow a true prophetic church.
8. How to identify & deal with false prophets.
9. The challenges of the apostles and prophetic churches. etc
Diploma course: operating in the apostolic & the prophetic ministry
1. Prophetic witchcraft & the spirit of jezebel
2. Prophetic charisma/ gifts of the Holy spirit
3. Homiletics science of preaching/how to prepare messages.
4. how to judge prophecy/discernment
5. The ministry of the fivefold, every assignment defined.
6. Prophetic character, content and charisma
7. Dimensions in prophetic ministry
8. The calling and making of an apostle
9. Prophets and false prophecy.
10. Prophetic apprentice/mentoring
11. The heavens and the elements.
12. Water spirits, their activities and their effects.
13. How to deal with witchcraft.
14. How to receive the gift of prophecy.
15. Prophetic impartation and activation of gifts
16. How to prophesy, prophetic eyesight and insight
17. The use of symbols and tokens in the prophetic ministry.etc
Bachelor degree courses: manifesting the apostolic and prophetic grace
1. Prophetic leadership and church government
2. The healing and the deliverance ministry
3. Muslim evangelism, church planting and missions
4. The ministry of the pastor
5. The ministry of the evangelist
6. Hermeneutics, bible contents and interpretation
7. The prophetic and the ministry of angels
8. Kings and prophets/four levels of dominion
9. Prophetic protocol/how the mantle functions
10. How to pastor a city church /doubling your church without compromise
11. The doctrine of prophecy/bible prophecies
12. Vision development/church growth.
13. The apostolic ministry. etc
Master of Arts courses in prophetic ministry: conquering territories
1. The prophetic and the ministry of deliverance
2. The prophet and the Holy Spirit
3. Prophetic ethics
4. Apostolic impartation & prophetic activation
5. Apostolic and prophetic model
6. Prophetic evangelism
7. Treasury of Christian doctrines
8. Prophetic insight, eyesight/perspective
9. Spirit filled life/kingdom lifestyle
10. Curses, causes and cure
11. The fundamentals of the prophetic ministry
12. Church planting. Etc.
Doctorate degree courses- how to operate in the supernatural
1. The youth ministry in contemporary society
2. The woman behind the pulpit
3. Christian apologetics
4. Apostolic types
5. Exposition of the book of revelation
6. How to grow your prophetic gift
7. Guidelines for personal prophetic ministry
8. The apostolic and prophetic church
9. The office and the ministry of prophets
10. Dimensions in prophetic ministry2
11. The spirit of jezebel
12. Prophetic mentorship
13. World religion and cults
14. Walking with the Holy Spirit etc.
You can’t afford to miss this expository encounter, “and the spirit of the lord will come upon thee, and thou shall prophesy with them and thou shall be turned into another man “1samuel 10:6{kjv}
For enquiries, send email to
Nig. +2347061504600, Canada +1647217662

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